uses its own proprietary GCS2 Demand-Based SCM Methodology to analyze and solve SCM problems. uses the GCS2 which is a Demand-based Supply Chain Management Methodology which although using the MRPII bases (classic) has been proven to be effective because it is comprehensive and flexible to include the entire Supply Chain and takes into account future changes to it.

The GCS2 Components are:

GCS2 Definitions: The GCS2 as a Demand-Based Methodology requires to define with more specificity how things work in Supply Chain Management such as SCM Flows, Periodicity, the basis for measuring performance, lead times, etc.

GCS2 Referential Model: The GCS2 Referential Model is the GCS2 guide map to carry out a full Supply Chain Management review which shows how to identify the SCM model to facilitate the Diagnostic and to generate an improvement plan.

GCS2 Control Factors: The GCS2 Control Factors are the key components to consider when
trying to solve Supply Chain Management problems. They are the basis to achieve SCM

GCS2 Classification: The GCS2 Classification is the method to identify the different stages that
evolve through trying to achieve Supply Chain Management excellence. It is used to identify the present situation and to measure improvements.

The GCS2 Control Factors

As indicated the GCS2 Control Factors are determinant to achieve a sound improvement plan. They are:

GCS2 Processes Model: The GCS2 as a Demand-Based Methodology requires to define with more specificity how things work in Supply Chain Management such as SCM Flows, Periodicity, the basis for measuring performance, lead times, etc.

GCS2 Process Alignment: The GCS2 Process Alignment are the conditions that have to be met to avoid responsibilities conflicts whe designing the SCM processes model. These conflicts are common, and usually undetected, because usually ar “fixed” instead od “solved” given the nature of the problem.

GCS2 Process Integration: This GCS2 Control Factor refers to the SCM systems required to integrate the SCM processes. Howeve, the GCS2 identifies separate systems for the Planning and Execution segments of the SCM model. The ERP is seen as a transactional system different from the SCm Planning system which, in many cases, is done in spreadsheets. To this end hsa developed SISPLAN.

GCS2 Performance Measures: The GCS2 Performance Measures are generated towards measuring the processes and tools unique to the methodology such as the Dynamic Reorder Point used in the DRP tool. Most of the are binary in form and always relative to the Plan.

Paradigm Shift Resistance Identification: This factor measures the resistance to the paradigm change required to implement an improvement plan. It is done through a anonymous survey of the employees potentially affected by the change.