Supply Chain Management Consulting has nowadays reached a level of confusion which is often not conducive to problem solving and, instead, results in significant misallocation of capital and resources. We find, more often that expected, clients with misconfigured ERPs mainly because they were sold as solutions incompatibles with their supply chain models (planning within the transactional system, and having to rely on spreadsheets after expensive; implementations, etc.), or using methodologies that did not integrate the Demand and Supply segments (mostly because the do not include Sales, Marketing, etc. as integral part of the Supply Chain management Methodology), or, even further, Procurement and other processes have not been well designed (includes and/or excludes responsibilities).

In Supply Chain Management Consulting the size of the Consulting Company or its name recognition really does not matter, experience and proven results do. Our SCM demand-based methodology and experience will give you the knowledge and the tools to achieve control of your supply chain. uses the GCS2 which is a Demand-based Supply Chain Management Methodology which although using the MRPII bases (classic) has been proven to be effective because it is comprehensive and flexible to include the entire Supply Chain and takes into account future changes to it.

  • I. GCS2 Pre-Diagnostic

    This iso remote analysis of the “As ls” or the present SCM situation using relevant data lo identify quantitatively existing problems.


    A presentation detailing the problems found without recommendations, though, since it is not a full diagnostic with interviews and visits to the facilities, suppliers and customers.

    SCM data specified at the time of the service agreement provided to the Customer.

  • II. GCS2 Diagnostics
    • Identification of the “As Is” or Present Situation using the GCS2 Methodology, relevant data, interviews and field visits.
    • Identification of the Ideal (To Be) Situation, and Improvement.
    • Recommendations to get to the To Be situation.


    Presentations and Reports detailing the observed problems and improvement recommendations.


    • SCM data specified at the time of the service agreement provided to the Customer.
      On Site Interviews, and facilities. suppliers. and customers visits.
  • III. GCS2 Implementation
    • Development of a Detailed Implementation Plan based on the Recommendations of the Diagnostic and approved by the Client.
    • Selection of the Implementation Team.
    • Carry-out the Implementation Plan as developed and approved.
    • Start-up


    Presentations and Reports detailing the Implementation completed as planned.


    • GCS2 Diagnostics
    • Senior Management Support
  • IV. GCS2 Revision

    Cyclical Revision of the Implementation performance using the GCS2 Control Factors.


    Presentations and Reports detailing the situation with recommendations if applicable.


    GCS2 lmplementation

  • V. Sales Force Reengineering

    Per the GCS2 definitions, the Sales Force time is a company resource that must be optimized.  As such, the service time (selling plus transportation plus other activities that required its time) must be allocated to customers given their type, required service time, call periodicity, etc. This makes a balanced Sales Force based on the allocated time – regardless of the number of customers or revenue generated. Also it is important in the Demand-based SCM Methodology to peg the Soles Force variable income to the assigned soles quota in units (Not S) per week which emphasizes the achievement of the Plan (Inventory replenished). Totally configured to the SCM model of the company


    • A Sales Force reorganized by Territories balanced by required service time.
    • Software to calculate the sales quotas and its achievement by territory to calculate the variable components of the Sales Force compensation.


    • A GCS2 Diagnostic
    • A Demand Plan generator (SISPLAN or other) that generates a Demand Plan taking into account: Marketing activities,  Demand Forecast toking into account the customer base profile targeted.
    • The Sales Planning and Engineering function to run the process.
    • The Sales Planning and Engineering module of SISPLAN
  • VI. Procurement Reengineering

    Per the GCS2 definitions, Procurement must see the entire Planning Horizon of released requirements to be able to plan the procurement and their consolidated receipt. It is important that Procurement has the visibility to negotiate long term agreements rather than the usual spot buying. This applies to finished goods (procured for Distribution) as well as Materials for Production. Totally configured to the SCM model of the company.


    • A Procurement function trained to plan and execute the procurement of:
      1. Finished Goods, and/or
      2. Materials
    • Software to plan and create the Procurement order to be sent to the ERP. The SISPLAN module tokes the Planning Horizon of released requirements (FG or Materials) and optimizes the receipts by type of container to receive them on time while minimizing the excess inventory.


    • A GCS2 Diagnostic.
    • An Inventory Replenishment software that generates and releases the inventory requirements to fulfill the Demand Plan (Finished Goods) or the Master Production Scheduling Plan (for Materials).
    • A Procurement function configured by Supplier(s) to carry out the responsibility.
    • The Procurement module of SISPLAN
  • VII. SISPLAN SCM Planning Software has developed a SCM Planning solution – SIS PLAN – with the following features:

    1. Structural Simplicity: the database is developed in MS SQL Server for its robust structure and relative low cost, and the interface is MS Access for the flexibility required for the configuration needs of the system to follow the SCM model design.
    2. High Configurability: The SCM Planning system must reflect the SCM model and not the other way around. Whether the company uses a Demand Planning structure that is Supply-based, Demand-Based, or a Start-up (S-Curve,) SISPLAN can be configured to reflect it. Whether the Supply Chain type is of a Fabrication type, or Distribution, or both, SISPLAN can be configured to reflect the particular model.
    3. Total ERP Interaction: SIS PLAN has been proven to work with any ERP – so far – such as SAP, Oracle, etc. The interfaces are also configurable to the particular ERP. The idea is that all SCM planning is done in SISPLAN, using the weekly actuals from the ERP, and is sent to the ERP for its execution. Although advance planning processes such as Sales Planning and Engineering (territory balancing, generation of sales quotas, sales force performance-based variable compensation calculation, etc.) and the extended Procurement planning – under the GCS2 – is carried in SISPLAN, the results are products that’s sent to the ERP as they are being generated, usually same day in MS Excel.
    4. In-Line Components Structure: As the GCS2 defines it, each of the SCM Planning processes utilize the decisions output of prior processes (internal suppliers) in the SCM model and provide its own to the next one (internal customer.) This is done in a Database environment with its advantages of configured common access and security.
    5. Other Advantages: SISPLAN has also other advantages such as being able to provide an integrated environment to the SCM Planning Team, a set of performance measurements that are true to SCM – for example measuring the performance to the Plan instead of including unplanned performance – and other Best Class Practices.