V. Sales Force Reengineering

Per the GCS2 definitions, the Sales Force time is a company resource that must be optimized.  As such, the service time (selling plus transportation plus other activities that required its time) must be allocated to customers given their type, required service time, call periodicity, etc. This makes a balanced Sales Force based on the allocated time – regardless of the number of customers or revenue generated. Also it is important in the Demand-based SCM Methodology to peg the Soles Force variable income to the assigned soles quota in units (Not S) per week which emphasizes the achievement of the Plan (Inventory replenished). Totally configured to the SCM model of the company


  • A Sales Force reorganized by Territories balanced by required service time.
  • Software to calculate the sales quotas and its achievement by territory to calculate the variable components of the Sales Force compensation.


  • A GCS2 Diagnostic
  • A Demand Plan generator (SISPLAN or other) that generates a Demand Plan taking into account: Marketing activities,  Demand Forecast toking into account the customer base profile targeted.
  • The Sales Planning and Engineering function to run the process.
  • The Sales Planning and Engineering module of SISPLAN