The GCS2 Classification is the method to identify the different stages that
evolve through trying to achieve Supply Chain Management excellence. It is used to identify the present situation and to measure improvements.
Number 1 in Supply Chain Management
The GCS2 Classification is the method to identify the different stages that
evolve through trying to achieve Supply Chain Management excellence. It is used to identify the present situation and to measure improvements.
The GCS2 Control Factors are the key components to consider when
trying to solve Supply Chain Management problems. They are the basis to achieve SCM
The GCS2 as a Demand-Based Methodology requires to define with more specificity how things work in Supply Chain Management such as SCM Flows, Periodicity, the basis for measuring performance, lead times, etc.
Per the GCS2 definitions, Procurement must see the entire Planning Horizon of released requirements to be able to plan the …
Per the GCS2 definitions, the Sales Force time is a company resource that must be optimized. As such, the service …
Cyclical Revision of the Implementation performance using the GCS2 Control Factors. Deliverables Presentations and Reports detailing the situation with recommendations …
Development of a Detailed Implementation Plan based on the Recommendations of the Diagnostic and approved by the Client. Selection of …
Identification of the “As Is” or Present Situation using the GCS2 Methodology, relevant data, interviews and field visits. Identification of …
This iso remote analysis of the “As ls” or the present SCM situation using relevant data lo identify quantitatively existing …
The GCS2 Assumes that SCM Planning, and Execution (Transactional) Systems Should Feed Each Other But As Separate Entities Supply Chain …